October 6, 2010

Adventures on the Pine Ridge of Nebraska

Yesterday, we decided to climb up onto those cliffs above Fort Robinson State Park and do a hike on the Pine Ridge. Unfortunately, I can not write up a Hikemaster's Trail Description of this adventure, because frankly, I am not totally sure how we did it.

The trail map they gave us at the office was so horrible, I could not figure out what the heck it was showing.  It showed all these "trails" we couldn't find, yet we were hiking on routes that were not on the map. My GPS showed the topography, but not the trails. So, we wandered, first on an easy section, then on a strenuous and not recommended route.

In the distance is the Soldier Creek Wilderness inside Nebraska National Forest
Despite the adventures, it was a fun day up there and I'll show some of the photos of the day below.

Hilina and Linda snacking on top of Red Cloud Butte, with Great Plains beyond

Hilina and Linda hiking on the ridgeline

Fort Robinson below

Section that burned in the 1989 Fort Robinson Fire
Here is where it got interesting. Those posts (lower right) are supposed to mark the route. Except the route went all over the place, up and down ravines, and there was no trail in many sections.

Exhausted trying to haul myself back up the ravine I shouldn't have gone down
Where is the trail? Hmmm, time to head back!
Sunset back at the campsite with a cold one in hand!

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